Bucket Saint Radu

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Bucket Saint Radu
OccupationCiupitist Saint

Bucket Saint Radu (Romanian: Sfântul Găletar Radu), also known as Radu of Enada before his ascension, is a revered figure in the Way of the Bucket, a philosophy within Ciupitism that venerates the bucket as a symbol of purity and enlightenment.

He is known for his bucketmaking skills, discovering Găletida, and potentially also for finding the Chalice of Găletida.

He is Bianca's lover, who helps him by filling his buckets with water.


Radu was heavily criticised by Andrei of Enada, who compared the style of his buildings to zaganian architecture, and called him an "architect for zaganian buildings". This sparked tension between the two, with Radu taking great offence for the insult of his proud abodes, and barely refraining himself from smiting him with one of his buckets.

Some say that Andrei conspired with the zaganians during the Zaganian Wars of Enada, by allowing them to steal Radu's flying house, as since long had he wanted to tear it down, but was not allowed by the local authorities who considered it a "protected historical heritage site".

See also