Army of the Republic of Amberiana

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Army of the Republic of Amberiana (ARA)
Active13 March 2023 - 27 April 2023
Country Republic of Amberiana

The Army of the Republic of Amberiana (ARA) was a military organization that was created to protect and serve the people of Amberiana. It was one of five military forces in Amberiana, and was the first one to be created. It was ran by the MARABA (Military Advisor of the Republic of Amberiana Board of Advisors) and the JMAA (Junior Military Advisor of the Army).


The ARA was originally founded as the Amberianan Royal Army during the time of the Second Empire of Amberiana. The royal army was founded due to the empress, Amber I of Amberiana, feeling as though there was a growing rate of hostility in the micronational community. She felt as though her and her allies may have been in danger, and wanted to be ready for any attacks that may come.

This preparation came in handy, as roughly two weeks after the formation of the ARA, the Second War on Gorthalism started. Though no military forces were used by the republic, them being there meant that, should an attack on any of Amberiana's allies happen, she could defend them. The empress also offered the president of Cristoria, Christopher P., some of Amberiana's forces, though the offer was denied.

Following the collapse of the second empire, and the formation of the Republic of Amberiana, the ARA was renamed. It went from the Amberianan Royal Army to the Army of the Republic of Amberiana. With this change came some reforms to the way the government and military worked. The military was no longer lead by the empress, but by the MARABA. And under the MARABA would be JMAs (Junior Military Advisors). Before the dissolution of Amberiana, Amber held both of these titles.