Education in Sancratosia

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Education in Sancratosia
Ministry of Society
Department of Education
Minister of SocietyVacant
General details
Primary languages
System typeCentral
Compulsory education6 to 16 years

Education in Sancratosia is inspired from the French and Monégasque education systems.[a] It is divided into three stages of primary education (educa prima), secondary education (educa media), and higher education (educa alta).

Schools can dispense courses in the language of their choice. However, courses in Lingua Franca Nova are mandated in the curriculum of all schools.

Education is mandatory from the age of 6 to 16. State education is free.

The Ministry of Society, through the Department of Education, is responsible for the organization of education in Sancratosia.

Although it is foreseen by the state, in practice, only higher education courses are offered, online, through the Principality's only university, University of Sancratosia. The education system is also used to evaluate and recognize equivalencies with foreign diplomas.



All educational programs in Sancratosia are regulated by the Ministry of Society. They usually follow the French and Monégasque regulations.

Even if instruction is mandatory in Sancratosia, schooling is not. Families may provide teaching themselves, provided that they comply with the education standards laid down by the Principality.

Fields of education

In Sancratosia, schools, programs and diplomas are classified according to the fields of education established by the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED):

  • 0 General programs
  • 1 Education
  • 2 Humanities and arts
  • 3 Social sciences, business and law
  • 4 Science
  • 5 Engineering, manufacturing and construction
  • 6 Agriculture
  • 7 Health and welfare
  • 8 Services

Schools, programs and diplomas can correspond to more than one field of education.

School year

The school year is from September to June with 4 recreation periods:

  • One (Pausa un), two weeks around the end of October and the beginning of November;
  • Two (Pausa du), two weeks around Winter's Day and New Year's Day;
  • Three (Pausa tres), two weeks around mid-February;
  • Four (Pausa cuatro), two weeks around mid-April;

Classes are usually held from Monday to Friday, except on Friday afternoons. School usually start at 08:30 and end at 16:30.

Education system

Sancratosia's education system is inspired by the French and Monégasque education systems.

In primary schools, the general curriculum is taught by a qualified primary school teacher except for certain mandatory topics, which are covered by specialized teacher.

Some education content in the general curriculum is specific to Sancratosia:

Education system of Sancratosia
+11 Instrui profondida de medica
+9 Instrui spesialida de medica
+8 Gradi dotoral
+5 Gradi mestral Instrui avansada de medica Instrui avansada
+3 Gradi laural Instrui jeneral de medica Instrui tecnical Instrui tecnical Instrui tecnolojial
+2 Instrui profesal
+1 Instrui introduinte de medica
Additional years
General studies Medical studies Technical studies Scientific studies Production and services studies
Technical School
Scola tecnical
Professional School
Scola profesal
Higher education
Educa alta
17 Clase jeneral de anio final Clase tecnolojial de anio final Clase profesal de anio final Instrui profesal avansada
16 Clase jeneral de anio un Clase tecnolojial de anio un Clase profesal de anio un Instrui profesal de anio du
15 Clase jeneral e tecnolojical de anio du Clase profesal de anio du Instrui profesal de anio du
Age General High School
Liseo jeneral
Technological High School
Liseo tecnolojical
Professional High School
Liseo profesal
Centre of Professional Training
Sentro de instrui profesal
14 Clase de anio tres
13 Clase de anio cuatro
12 Clase de anio sinco
11 Clase de anio ses
Age Middle School
Scola media
Secondary education
Educa media
10 Curso media de anio du (CM2)
9 Curso media de anio un (CM1)
8 Curso elemental de anio du (CE2)
7 Curso elemental de anio un (CE1)
6 Curso de comensa (CC)
Age Elementary School
Scola elemental
5 Parte grande (PG)
4 Parte media (PM)
3 Parte peti (PP)
Age Preschool
Primary education
Educa prima

Primary education

In Sancratosia, primary education is the education received by children aged 3 to 10. Primary education is divided in the optional Preschool and the mandatory Elementary School.


Preschool is attended by children aged 3 to 5. Attendance of children at preschools is optional in Sancratosia. It is equivalent to the French and Monégasque, "Maternelle", with the exception that there are no equivalent to the "Toute petite section", attended at age 2 in France.

Preschool is dedicated to the introduction of children to student life and community living. The first year is also where children are introduced to letters and developing language vocabulary, especially in Lingua Franca Nova, Sancratosia's official language. The last two years are dedicated to the introduction in reading, writing and some mathematics.

Elementary School

Elementary School is attended by children aged 6 to 10. Elementary school attendance is mandatory for children. It is equivalent to the French and Monégasque, "École élémentaire".

In Elementary School, children develop writing, reading and begin basic education in Lingua Franca Nova, a secondary language, mathematics, science and arts.

Secondary education

In Sancratosia, secondary education is the education generally received by children aged 11 to 17.

Secondary education is divided in two periods, a general education in Middle School and then a more specialized one, in preparation for the workplace or higher education, in High School.

Middle School

Middle School (Scola media) is attended by students aged 11 to 14. It is equivalent to the French and Monégasque, Collège.

Middle School covers general subjects such as literature, history, geography, foreign languages, arts, music, civics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural sciences, technology and physical education.

High School

High School (Liseo) is attended by students aged 15 to 17. Attendance is compulsory for students only until the age of 16. It is equivalent to the French and Monégasque, Lycée. High School can lead to higher education or directly to professional life.

There are 3 main paths in High School, the General (Jeneral), Technological (Tecnolojical) and Professional (Profesal) path. Students can also attend a Centre of Professional Training (Sentro de instrui profesal) which provides vocational degrees.

Higher education

In Sancratosia, higher education is undertaken usually by students who have graduated High School from one of the three main paths of study and sometimes by adults who have demonstrated sufficient knowledge to be admitted in their program.

There are 3 paths of higher education: University, Technical School and Professional School.


University (Universia) is divided in General studies and Medical studies.

General studies are divided in three ranks of diplomas: Bachelors (Gradi laural), Masters (Gradi mestral), and Doctoral (Gradi dotoral) degrees. Acquiring a Bachelors take 3 years, a Masters take 2 years and a Doctorate takes 3 years.

Medical studies have their own structure with 5 diplomas. The minimum requirement is 3 years of study which grants the Diploma of General Medical Instruction (Diploma de Instrui jeneral de medica). Not all specializations in medical studies require students to be granted the 5 diplomas, most end within 9 years of study and 3 diplomas.

Technical School

Technical School (Scola tecnical) is divided in technical studies that either require advanced studies or not.

Some specializations require students to acquire two diplomas, after 5 years of study, whereas other only require one diploma acquired after 3 years of study.

Professional School

Professional School (Scola profesal) is divided in two, Scientific studies and Production and Services studies.

The Scientific studies grant students a diploma after 3 years of study and Production and Services studies grant students a diploma after 2 years.

Academic grading

Academic grading in Sancratosia is standardized and scored on a scale of 0-20 with equivalencies in letters and percentages. Sancratosia's passing mark is 12, C or 60%.

Letter comparison
Grade Letter Percent
19–20 A+ 95–100%
18–18.9 A 90–94.9%
17–17.9 A– 85–89.9%
16–16.9 B+ 80–84.9%
15–15.9 B 75–79.9%
14–14.9 B– 70–74.9%
13–13.9 C+ 65–69.9%
12–12.9 C 60–64.9%
11–11.9 C– 55–59.9%
10–12.9 D+ 50–54.9%
9–9.9 D 45–49.9%
8–8.9 D– 40–44.9%
0–7.9 E 0–39.9%

Honours terminology

Sancratosian diplomas grant "Premios lodante" similar to "Latin Honors", American Honors and French "Mention" titles. The honor is indicated on the diploma.

Terminology comparaison
Sancratosian "Premios lodante" % of Sancratosian students
attaining this "premio lodante"
Latin Honor American Honor French "Mention"
"Premio multe bon" the top 1—2% "summa cum laude" "Highest Honors" "Mention Très Bien"
"Premio bon" the top 2—5% "magna cum laude" "High Honors" "Mention Bien"
"Premio alga bon" the top 10% "cum laude" "With Honors" "Mention Assez Bien"

See also

Notes and References


  1. The Monégasque education system is affiliated to the French education system but differs slightly.


External links